
Computer Vision

Laboratory Attendance Dashboard Website Based on Face Recognition System

This project is used as an attendance system in the laboratory which the CCTV installed for monitoring the laboratory 24/7. The face recognition system was built using Tiny Face Detector and Dlib framework. The dashboard design was built using Dash by Plotly. The face recognition system data is sent to dashboard using ZeroMQ. All of works are written in Python.


NightOwl: Robotic Platform for Wheeled Service Robot

NightOwl is a robotic platform that designed exclusively for wheeled service robot. It developed for the receptionist service robot of Electrical and Information Engineering Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada as part of capstone project for bachelor degree graduation requirement. The robot will welcome guests and guide them to the desired location.

Fukurō: Wheeled Soccer Robot Platform of UGM based on RoboCup Middle Size League

Fukurō is a wheeled soccer robot platform of UGM based on RoboCup Middle Size League. The robot has a dimension of 50 × 50 × 78 cm with 20 kg weight. The robot plays a ball with 62-64 cm diameter and 390-430 gram weight in the 9 × 6 m field. The platform itself could be divided as robot mechanical system, electronic system and software architecture.


For a list of my publications, please take a look at my Google Scholar.